Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Salt-N-Pepa - Heaven 'n Hell

Above you will see a music video of Salt-n-Pepa's song "Heaven'n Hell. This song is about how Earth is like both heaven and hell. It talks about the pro's and cons of the Earth.

Rap Music

The origin of rap music came from 80's rappers like the Sugar Hill Gang and also artists like Salt-n-Pepa. Every era has it's specific own genre of music. In the 50's it was rock n roll, in the 60's it was the Mowtown sound. By the 70's it was folk music and disco, and of course 80's was rap. Rap developed from African people. Its origins can be traced to West Africa where tribesmen held "men of words". Later when slaves were brought to the New World, the inmates mixed American music with beats they remembered from Africa. Another origin of rap is a form of Jamaican folk stories called "toasts". Toasts are narrative poems that tell stories in rhyme. 

Rap and hip-hop have similar characteristics. Of course, hip-hop is more popular today, while rap music has progressed and changed overtime. Present day rap artists often like to re-mix original songs, tweak them a bit, and make them their own. And thanks to artists like Kid Rock and Eminem, African-Americans are not the only ones listening to rap anymore. Also, the female audience has grown steadily with the emergence of ladies behind the microphone like Salt-n-Pepa, Queen Latifah, and Li'l Kim. So we can thank African-American's for introducing this genre of music to our generation.
-Musical Marbella

Sources: http://www.allsands.com/music/bio/historyofrapm_xrw_gn.htm

Monday, August 16, 2010

The background of Music

Historians have come to the conclusion that the first music, or musical sounds, developed in the Pre-historic times. It is said that the earliest forms of music were created by the first people who roamed the Earth. It started with banging rocks, sticks, and pebbles against the ground which made rhythm. It is known that around 4000 BCE Egyptians created harps and flutes, and by 3500 BCE double-reeded clarinets had been progressed. Also, classical music is rooted from Greek evolution.

There was also a time in history where music and art became an outburst. This is known as the Renaissance Period, or Enlightenment Period. Music was an important part of life in the Renaissance. The most important music of the early Renaissance was polyphonic. It was composed for church masses in Latin. As you can see, music has many different roots and origins of where it came from. It just depends on what specific type of music you are referring to. Well, that's just a little dose of what is yet to come, so please keep reading!

-Musical Marbella

Sources: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/renm/hd_renm.htm